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Elementary / Middle School Multi- Content Area Tutor

I just recently completed my Master's in Teaching Degree at Johnson and Wales University and graduated with a triple certification. I am certified in Elementary Education Grades K-6, Special Education Grades K-8, and Special Education Grades 7-12. I have a great deal of knowledge about the current common core standards that are being implemented throughout the state as well as experience in working with new curriculum that is related to these standards. Over the course of this past year I ...


I have a master's degree in special education. I have three certifications within the field. My first certification is K-6 elementary education, my second certification is K-8 special education and my third certification is 7-12 special education. I have taken an ample amount of course surrounding tailoring instruction to students with ADD/ADHD. I have work with several students with this learning disability and have used several successful strategies with them.


I have a master's degree in special education. I have 3 certifications within the field. My first certification is K-6 Elementary Education, my second certification is K-8 Special Education and my third certification is 7-12 Special Education. I have taken an ample amount of course surrounding tailoring instruction to students with Autism. I work for a program through the state as well to work with a student with Autism one-on-one to work on social skills and daily executive functioning skills. I did this for 5 years.



elementary math

elementary (k-6th)


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
